My Story
The four leaf clover of BooksBoon. Four essentials for every finance plan.
BooksBoon was founded out of a love for all things ordered and right. With a passion for organizing, and some new-found free time (all the kids finally in school), I started BooksBoon a bit accidentally. What began as "cleaning up" the books for my husband's business (10 years in existence) turned into mountains of google research, data digging, receipt tracking, re-charting, and reconciling (how did he ever survive without a bookkeeper?!) Over the next few months, I worked until his company books were perfect. And it was nothing short of amazing to run that first comparison P&L and see how his business had ebbed and flowed over the years.
But my journey didn't stop there. Although my first goal had been to make sense of his books, my second goal was to...well, make sense of his books. I had balanced all his accounts, and although we could now run accurate financial statements for business, I still didn't know how to USE them. I didn't want to continue to hand them over blindly to my accountant at tax time every year, just to have them returned to me along with another document I could barely understand any better (our tax return). I was so frustrated by obsessing about the only line I COULD understand - how much did we owe or how much would we get back? And how in the world could we show such a huge net income when we didn't show that money in our bank account?! There had to be something I was missing.
I made the decision to become an "official" bookkeeper, and earned my certification in bookkeeping in 2017. But it didn't stop there. In the next few years, I read a LOT of books on small business - from leadership and team building to systems and accounting (some of my faves here). Slowly, I started to unravel the knotted mystery of business ownership, and I was able to clear the fuzzy cloud that had hovered around me for several years as the wife of a small business owner. Armed with tips and tricks from my new business owner besties (that's what a good book is, right?), I developed a process to bring light to darkness for me and my husband as small business owners.
Over the next two years, our company experienced a year over year 37% growth. Using our own tools and processes, we now make decisions based on numbers, and not just intuition. We can answer key questions like when to hire, and which capital injection will have the best return. We regularly discuss the best direction for our little company, and we experience peace while doing it.
But despite our success, and the newfound joy I had with helping to run our business, I couldn't escape one nagging thought..."How many other businesses owners live with the clutter and confusion?" If I could do this for us, I could help others. I just needed to make it official. So I did.
In 2020, BooksBoon was formed, and I've been helping small business owners ever since.
Throughout my journey, I've discovered a common theme that runs amidst small business entrepreneurs, and my entire business model is built around fighting it. The books are not "fine", regardless of how much money is coming in. No matter how successful a small business is, it cannot thrive for long without proper bookkeeping. Neglecting the books is like flying an airplane in the dark with no flight instruments. You might "feel" great about your position, but that's only because you can't see the mountain that looms ahead in the night.
BooksBoon was founded to not only help struggling companies get back on track, but also to provide those going in the right direction with the tools to maximize growth. With detail and clear communication understood approach, BooksBoon offers a winning advantage for every company it works with.
BooksBoon is "good fortune for small business."
Kari Moreno
BooksBoon Founder, Bookkeeping Professional
BBL Academy, 2017
Quickbooks ProAdvisor